Saturday, May 24, 2014

Stars & Stripes

H A V E  A  G R E A T  W E E K E N D  E V E R Y O N E ! !

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Trending Turquoise

I'm still unpacking my chazerei (yes... I know, I'm sick of moving too!) and just noticed that I had subconsciously started a minor trend in my living space.  It was totally unintentional, as this aquamarine shade isn't even a favorite of mine.  I'm rollin' with it though, the turquoise looks fantastical with all the orange and fuschia tchotchkes that I seem to have accumulated.  Go me.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Aromatic Agua

This here has got me reminiscing about Miami, the hotels in SoBe always have ice-cold fruit/veggie-infused H20 waiting for you as you come off the beach.  Le Refreshing!  This is just too simple to not do at home, plus, it's a way healthier alternative to the sugary bevs that are more than likely chillin in your fridge at this very moment.  It's pretty AND it's good for you, this is a no brainer.  Recipes after the jump.

Friday, May 16, 2014


My hair and I have had one hell of a month!  Being jewish (curly fro: enter stage left) and dealing with all these late 'April Showers' has a girl busting out every rainy-day hair trick she has up her sleeve.  I've never been a fan of bobby pins until very recently.  I feel like I'm always trying to HIDE those bad boys, so seeing these fun & fresh ways to use a basic bobby pin and actually have it/them be SEEN really has me pinspired.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Impressive Imprints

I was recently flipping through an issue of Popular Photography Magazine when my eyes met this very image.  I. Was. Without Delay. Obsessed.  (it's a Gucci bag, how could I not be?) Mitchell Feinberg (coincidentally my mom's maiden) used cornstarch to make this impression and dubbed the final eight photo series: Fossil.  (other images after the jump)  BOW DOWN, Mr. Feinberg, your work is phenomenal.